

Sahajar Real Estate The mastered art of construction and renovation

To realize your dream, whether for a total or partial renovation, Sahajar puts its knowledge and expertise at your disposal. Its well-known designing talent, while respecting your choices,allows it to take care of all the stages of the projects:

- administrative authorizations and their follow-up (topography, building permit,inspection, living permit ...);

- architectural consultation and technical reviews;

- finalization of the design: traditional style, contemporary style, mixed…; preservation of ancient elements,choice of architectural elements such as fountains, chimneys, hammam (steam room), swimming pools or basins; Finishing materials of choice.

- preparation of the specifications for all the items with deadlines, estimate of the progress schedule of the works;

- implementation of the worksite by its teams and selected stakeholders under the supervision of a confirmed worksite manager;

- regular reports illustratedwith photos;

- receiving of workwith or withouta reservation.

The estimated duration of worksis between 6 months and one year, depending on the size and complexity of the property.

CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION +212 808 653 433 / +212 666 56 99 99  

Address: 26 Kissariat Touareg, Aarset Lamaach, 40040 Marrakech
